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Thursday, January 12, 2012

The story of the youth who is self-employed

In today's world, as the rate of educated youths are increasing and turning this world into a competitive world, but unfortunately many of the youth cannot be employed due to the limited jobs available , so the rate of educated unemployed youths are increasing. For this reason, both the central and the states governments are working on strategies to create self-employment opportunities for the youths of the North-Eastern states of India, in a bid to promote socio economic empowerment in the region. This increase in the rate of unemployment may ultimately give rise to some kind of crimes such as murders, thieves, robbery, bribery, extortion and even to bribery and corruptions. 

The following is the story of one youth from the state of Assam who is a self-employed. He tells us about how he started his own business and how successful and helpful his business were/are to him and his family. Here it goes: 

Makhan Rajkhowa is a 29-year-old young entrepreneur from Bishnoi Nagar in Jorhat district of Assam. He runs a dairy business that he started in 2002 with a loan of Rs 40,000 from a government bank. Currently his dairy produces around 70 litres of milk daily and generating an income of Rs 20,000 a month.

After Makhan finished his graduation from Sivasagar he tried to get a government job but was unsuccessful.
But he has come a long way since then. Today life is good and he is able to look after his family.
Recently he has started a tea stall in the nearby market.
Makhan is now repaying his loan and wants to take a bigger one to expand his business.

“From the money I earned through this business, I have been able to marry my brother and sister and I too have gotten married. I have also built a house for myself. Today I feel happy, as I am financially independent,” said Rajkhowa.
30-year-old Arup Baruah is another successful entrepreneur.

He started his poultry business in the region three years ago and since then he has not looked back.
Today he has around 400 chickens on his farm and earns around Rs 25,000 monthly.
Arup started his business with a loan of Rs 40,000 from the bank and has been slowly repaying his loan.
Arup is educated till class 12 but could not continue his studies due to financial problems.
Today he looks after his family and is able to support them.

“I have taken a loan of Rs 40,000. After repaying the loan I want to take another loan of Rs 1 lakh to expand my business. Today I have less income as my business is small but once my business expands my income will also increase,” said Das.

The Government has been providing loans along with technical assistance to youth in the northeast who want to achieve something in life.
Most are engaged in dairy, poultry, goat rearing, fisheries, plying commercial vehicles, piggery and carpentry.
The government is running these programs either directly through banks or the autonomous councils.

The people of North-Eastern states of India should make use of the various loans efficiently provided by Indian Government . We should know that the government jobs are not the only one or source that can make our living or survive us but besides Government or public sectors, there are also private sectors where we can be employed and in the meantime there is again more efficient than the previous two, to earn money for a comfortable living , that is being self-employed. There are many ways in which we can be self-employed in many fields. Let us choose and do the right thing in the right way at the right time and live happily.  

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