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Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Relating to the Animal Rights and its drawbacks

I really appreciate the rights given to the animals, the Animal Rights, so that they(animals) can be given the same interest of consideration similar to human beings.And also, I totally agree with the Article 51A (g) of Indian Constitution which enshrines and casts upon every citizen of India, the duty to have compassion for all living creatures, as a Fundamental Duty. Yes,of course, every living creatures should be treated well and protected and look upon them with care.

But my question here is what if, they(animals) began to act and behave wild or violent upon the human beings. Don't we think that we are/should be more important than them? God created the human beings as superior than any other living creatures on the Earth. I agree that we need to treat them well but we shouldn't let them take advantage of us.

For instance, in the state of Karnataka (or may be the same tragic story may apply or have happened in other parts of states in India), many a times I have read in the local newspapers that the stray dogs attacked the young or old man or women. Even after that I couldn't see much changes regarding the measurement/steps taken by the law makers and this violent nature and act of stray dogs continue to hunt after every human beings, young and old alike. Instead there have been opposition from the animal rights organisation protecting the animals or stray dogs and not letting the Government to take their own course of actions against those stray dogs and thus protecting the people.

Do you think that animals are far more important than human beings? These animals don't even care us, even the infant babies they won't even care to spare, forget about the grown ups. How long are we going to let these violent stray dogs or animals attack us? The following is the recent one such incident that happen in the state of Karnataka on the Sunday morning on January 8,2012 :

In less than a week after a five year old boy knocked on the doors of the Karnataka high court seeking compensation of Rs 5 lakh for being bitten by street dogs, another four and half year old, Selva was attacked by a pack of stray dogs at Sarakki Circle, Kanapura Road.
These stray dogs bit the innocent toddler on his face and mauled him but fortunately there was passerby who hurled the dogs with stones and chased them away.

It was later learned that Selva was just a rag-picker living in Puttenahalli, who was at the garbage dump in Sarakki Circle around 10am when the stray dogs pounced and attacked him. They bit his nose and tore away a piece of flesh off his face before the passerby could rush to the boy's rescue. The boy was then rushed to the Sanjay Gandhi Hospital in Jayanagar 4th Block.

Now who is going to be responsible for all these misfortunes? Don't we have the Human rights too? Lets think and take appropriate steps from farther increase of stray dogs in the street and its attack before it's too late. Don't you think that Human beings are more important than any other living creatures on the Earth?

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