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Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Love of God

"For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life" - John 3: 16

Oh how sweet is the love of God.
He loves us tremendously.
Oh how great is the love of God.
He gave us His only Son.
Do we have to ignore Him and His love?

Oh how sweet is the love of God.
He did everything for us.
Oh how great is the love of God.
He sacrificed His Son for us.
Have we ever realize how much He loves us?

Oh how sweet is the love of God.
He loves us so much in spite of our sinful life.
Oh how great is the love of God.
He made His Son to be crucified at the Cross for our sins.
Did we ever thank Him for His amazing love?

Oh how sweet is the love of God.
He still loves us no matter who we are.
Oh how great is the love of God.
He is ever ready to forget and forgive our sins if only we turn to Him.
Did we ever imagine the greatness of His love?

Oh how sweet is the love of God.
He provides us everything we need.
Oh how great is the love of God.
He gave us our loving Parents.
Have we ever thank Him for our loving parents?

Oh how sweet is the love of God.
He supplies our daily needs in one way or the other.
Oh how great is the love of God.
To have our dearest Parents who loves and cares us so much.
Oh Lord thank you for your immense love for us.

Oh how sweet is the love of God.
He has given us everything we really need to be joyful.
Oh how great is the love of God.
He has given us our dearest brothers and sisters.
Oh Lord thank you for the ones I really need and love to have them.

Oh how sweet is the love of God.
He is ever ready to bless us still now.
Oh how great is the love of God.
He has blessed us wonderful friends and relatives around us so that we won't feel lonely.
Oh Lord how grateful I am to have them all around me.
Thank You Lord.


Our God really loves us so much, no matter who we are or how we are or where we come from. He is the only One whom we need to worship. He is ever ready to forgive and forget our sins if only we ask His forgiveness and turn to Him. He is the only One whom we can really depend and put our heavy loads or worries or problems. He always answers our prayers and bless us at the right time. And He is the One whom we worship and trust. This is our God. PRAISE THE LORD.  AMEN.

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