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Monday, January 9, 2012

The miraculous survival from the death of bullets

Photo: CBCMHK, Pastor, Dr. Vevo Phesao displays the jacket to the congregation. Mulutso is seen standing in the left

The congregations of Chakhesang Baptist Church Minister’s Hill, Kohima (CBCMHK) Church on New Year were blessed with the amazing survival story of 9-year-old Mulutso Chakhesang, one of the three civilians who sustained injuries during a shocking firing incident in Kohima on December 20, 2011. 

It was heard that the minor Mulutsa, a class 3 student of  Mt. Sinai Higher Secondary School, Kohima (A Sponsored Institute of CBCMHK), was shot with 2 bullets while he along with his uncle were proceeding to taxi stand to go down from Kohima to Dimapur. The miracle and amazing happened when one of the bullets hit his right shoulder and found it trapped in his jacket and the another bullet hit close to his heart which was also found jammed on his skin.

Indeed our God is great. The promise our Lord gave us in the Holy Bible is what is always need to believe and trust Him. He said that He will save us from every kind of dangers and He  also assured us that "A thousand may fall dead beside you, ten thousand all around you, but you will not be harmed. You will look and see how the wicked are punished- Psalms 91:7-8" in the Holy Bible.

Nothing is Impossible with Him. PRAISE THE LORD.

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