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Thursday, January 12, 2012

The Love of God

"For God so loved the world that He gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Him shall not perish but have eternal life" - John 3: 16

Oh how sweet is the love of God.
He loves us tremendously.
Oh how great is the love of God.
He gave us His only Son.
Do we have to ignore Him and His love?

Oh how sweet is the love of God.
He did everything for us.
Oh how great is the love of God.
He sacrificed His Son for us.
Have we ever realize how much He loves us?

Oh how sweet is the love of God.
He loves us so much in spite of our sinful life.
Oh how great is the love of God.
He made His Son to be crucified at the Cross for our sins.
Did we ever thank Him for His amazing love?

Oh how sweet is the love of God.
He still loves us no matter who we are.
Oh how great is the love of God.
He is ever ready to forget and forgive our sins if only we turn to Him.
Did we ever imagine the greatness of His love?

Oh how sweet is the love of God.
He provides us everything we need.
Oh how great is the love of God.
He gave us our loving Parents.
Have we ever thank Him for our loving parents?

Oh how sweet is the love of God.
He supplies our daily needs in one way or the other.
Oh how great is the love of God.
To have our dearest Parents who loves and cares us so much.
Oh Lord thank you for your immense love for us.

Oh how sweet is the love of God.
He has given us everything we really need to be joyful.
Oh how great is the love of God.
He has given us our dearest brothers and sisters.
Oh Lord thank you for the ones I really need and love to have them.

Oh how sweet is the love of God.
He is ever ready to bless us still now.
Oh how great is the love of God.
He has blessed us wonderful friends and relatives around us so that we won't feel lonely.
Oh Lord how grateful I am to have them all around me.
Thank You Lord.


Our God really loves us so much, no matter who we are or how we are or where we come from. He is the only One whom we need to worship. He is ever ready to forgive and forget our sins if only we ask His forgiveness and turn to Him. He is the only One whom we can really depend and put our heavy loads or worries or problems. He always answers our prayers and bless us at the right time. And He is the One whom we worship and trust. This is our God. PRAISE THE LORD.  AMEN.

The story of the youth who is self-employed

In today's world, as the rate of educated youths are increasing and turning this world into a competitive world, but unfortunately many of the youth cannot be employed due to the limited jobs available , so the rate of educated unemployed youths are increasing. For this reason, both the central and the states governments are working on strategies to create self-employment opportunities for the youths of the North-Eastern states of India, in a bid to promote socio economic empowerment in the region. This increase in the rate of unemployment may ultimately give rise to some kind of crimes such as murders, thieves, robbery, bribery, extortion and even to bribery and corruptions. 

The following is the story of one youth from the state of Assam who is a self-employed. He tells us about how he started his own business and how successful and helpful his business were/are to him and his family. Here it goes: 

Makhan Rajkhowa is a 29-year-old young entrepreneur from Bishnoi Nagar in Jorhat district of Assam. He runs a dairy business that he started in 2002 with a loan of Rs 40,000 from a government bank. Currently his dairy produces around 70 litres of milk daily and generating an income of Rs 20,000 a month.

After Makhan finished his graduation from Sivasagar he tried to get a government job but was unsuccessful.
But he has come a long way since then. Today life is good and he is able to look after his family.
Recently he has started a tea stall in the nearby market.
Makhan is now repaying his loan and wants to take a bigger one to expand his business.

“From the money I earned through this business, I have been able to marry my brother and sister and I too have gotten married. I have also built a house for myself. Today I feel happy, as I am financially independent,” said Rajkhowa.
30-year-old Arup Baruah is another successful entrepreneur.

He started his poultry business in the region three years ago and since then he has not looked back.
Today he has around 400 chickens on his farm and earns around Rs 25,000 monthly.
Arup started his business with a loan of Rs 40,000 from the bank and has been slowly repaying his loan.
Arup is educated till class 12 but could not continue his studies due to financial problems.
Today he looks after his family and is able to support them.

“I have taken a loan of Rs 40,000. After repaying the loan I want to take another loan of Rs 1 lakh to expand my business. Today I have less income as my business is small but once my business expands my income will also increase,” said Das.

The Government has been providing loans along with technical assistance to youth in the northeast who want to achieve something in life.
Most are engaged in dairy, poultry, goat rearing, fisheries, plying commercial vehicles, piggery and carpentry.
The government is running these programs either directly through banks or the autonomous councils.

The people of North-Eastern states of India should make use of the various loans efficiently provided by Indian Government . We should know that the government jobs are not the only one or source that can make our living or survive us but besides Government or public sectors, there are also private sectors where we can be employed and in the meantime there is again more efficient than the previous two, to earn money for a comfortable living , that is being self-employed. There are many ways in which we can be self-employed in many fields. Let us choose and do the right thing in the right way at the right time and live happily.  

Importance of Self-Employment

Self-employment or self-employed means working for one's self rather than for an employer. People should be aware of the many advantages of being self-employed. And the society today should conduct various seminars and programs to educate the youngsters today why they need to be self-employed, their advantages, what kind of steps should be taken to achieve as a self-employed or how they need to proceed. Since many educated and learned youths are increasing and there are only a few limited vacancy jobs or posts are available in the Government or public sectors, thereby the rate of unemployed youths increases tremendously in our society today. This increase in unemployment can lead to the increase in the rate of murders, thieves,extortion and even bribery and corruptions in our world today. We shouldn't forget that "Money is the root of all evils". So the unemployment can lead us to poverty and thus many different crimes may begin or come into being in our society and thus finally it may turn into a place of hell. So we need to be aware and take the precautions that may arise due to the rise of unemployment in the society.

But before we decide to be self-employed we too need to know and have some kind of knowledge regarding what and how to begin with. Firstly, we should think and choose something that we love to do and know about it. The more closely a proposed business matches the work we’re doing right now, the greater the chance of success. For instance, if we love gardening, think and choose to do something related to that or if we love writing, it will be better to choose something related to that. But we should ideally have some experience, or be willing to put in a lot of efforts learning at first. If we’re already good at something,and we love doing it, then we’re off to a great start.The next important thing is, we should figure out what we have to offer,and how it will be different from what’s already out there. How will we meet people’s needs in a new way? Who needs our service or product? How will we reach them?

What if a business interests us but we have no related experience or skills? In that case, it will be wise to begin the business as a sideline or work for someone else in the business as a part time employee, until we gain the needed understanding,experience, skill set and contacts.we can start and build our business as a side venture until we’re ready to go full time. Maybe we never go full time, but we’ll have it as a second income and as a place to do the things we never could on our full time job. Sometimes having a side business makes our full time job more tolerable because it gives us what our job can’t and, helps us to maintain and provide our family's necessities comfortably.

We should also understand that until we have a steady cashflow coming in, we don’t have to spend our precious start-up cash unless it’s absolutely necessary. Our business should put cash into our pocket, so before we invest money into it, we need to be clear on how we’re going to pull that cash back out again.And it’s also a mistake to be too stingy with our cash. We shouldn't let our frugality get in the way of efficiency. It's better to take advantage of skilled person who can do certain tasks more efficiently than we can and buy decent equipment when it’s clear that we’ll get our money’s worth and be more productive.

But sometimes we may face some kind of difficulties and confusions at the initial stage, and may even land up with alot of depression, don't know where to go or what to do when it comes to the edge of failure or fall in our work. But we need to remember that Failure is not the end of our business but it’s just the beginning. Failure is not a reason to get depressed and to quit. It’s a learning opportunity. We need to know that Failure is a stepping stone to our success.We should always be learning, always improving, not because we’re not satisfied with what we have done, but because if we stop learning, we’ll stop having fun. There should always be new challenges, new things to explore, new skills to learn, new ways to grow.It’s about loving what we do, about working hard to build something we’re proud of, about pouring our heart and soul into something rather than giving it to someone else. Make no mistake about it: We’ll work hard, or we won’t succeed.

When we are one of the employer in the private sector, we're on someone else’s payroll, we’re also beholden to them. Our employer can change our work assignments, our seating assignment, our title, our pay, or even eliminate our job. In any of these instances, we may have little or no say in the decision making process especially if we’re about to be fired.But being self-employed gives us a strong measure of control over all of that. And also I think self-employment is less stressful because we enjoy more control. When we have the freedom to say no, we can more easily control our stress. Self-employment can also be very low stress if we decide to make it so. We can even turn our office into a relaxing place to work if we really want to and can even set our own hours. If we notice the onset of stress, we can take time off to relax. No one can force us to do anything we don’t want to do.

When we retire from our job, we can't guarantee that we can or have stored or saved enough sufficient amount of money that can fed us or last for the rest of our life, in the worst case it is important to consider all this if there's no one to look after us.The best remedy to that problem is to have a business of our own, one we can work at for as long as we live, with no threat of being fired by our employer as is the case with jobs. If it’s our business, we won’t ever need to retire from it and it can provide for us for many years past traditional retirement age.If we need to make extra cash quickly, that’s very tough to do as an employee. We should understand that self-employment is not that much riskier than getting a job. Instead employees take the biggest risk of all. We learn how risky it will be when we unexpectedly hear the words, “we’re letting you go” or "You're fired"

Of course it's true that there’s no security on being self-employed but there's also no limits either in earning.When we’re self-employed, we can earn as much as our time, talent, and effort will allow. There is no limit as long as we continue to grow and expand our business and our abilities. May be self-employment can seem complicated because there’s a lot to learn in the beginning, such as accounting, taxes, payroll, legal issues, insurance, etc.  It does take a while to learn the basics, but most of it is not particularly difficult.  Just get ourselves a good book on the subject, and we’ll be off to a great start. We shouldn't let the initial learning curve get us down. We only need to learn this info once and only for our first business. If we start a second business later, we’ll be up and running much more quickly and easily.

Many self-employed people work longer hours than employees. Some enjoy their work so much they want to put in long hours. Some set up their businesses in such a way that their physical presence is necessary for income generation. Either way it’s a choice though because we’re the one who decides how to set things up.But there’s no law of self-employment that says we have to start a business that only generates income while we’re working. If we start a business like this, we’re really just creating a job for ourselves.

Therefore, the need of this hour is to create awareness about the importance of self-employment in the present society in view of the increasing unemployment in the country. This can be implemented by conducting Self-Employment Promotion Programs. The main objective of this programs are :
1. To create awareness among job seekers about the employment market situation and job opportunities.
2. To motivate the job seekers to take-up self-employment ventures.
3. To assist them in obtaining necessary inputs required for setting of self-employment ventures from different sources.
4. To maintain co-ordination with various agencies for promotion of Self-Employment.
5. To provide necessary follow-up assistance to the Self-Employment Youth for sustaining them in their market.

 Let us choose and do the right thing in the right way at the right time and live happily.  

Wednesday, January 11, 2012

Rejoicing moment once again for all the Fans of Lionel Messi and Barcelona FC

 Barcelona FC Players Xavi, Iniesta, Dani Alves. Lionel Messi and Pique with their coach  Pep Guardiola

The Argentina and Barcelona FC Player Lionel Messi along with his World Player of the Year 2011 Award 
Barcelona FC coach Pep Guardiola along with his Coach Award

It would be a great pleasure and a rejoicing moment for all the Football fans especially for the fans of Barcelona FC and the fans of Argentinian-Barcelona FC star player Lionel Messi to witness that Lionel Messi ,still only 24 years old, has once again won the 3rd Ballon D'Or or World Player of the Year 2011 award for the third time in a row consecutively on Monday, January 9, 2012.

While Real Madrid’s Portuguese forward Cristiano Ronaldo was second in the vote for the 2011 FIFA Ballon D’Or and Messi’s Barcelona team mate Xavi was at third.

The Argentina and Barcelona forward Lionel Messi also inspired his Spanish team Barcelona to win the Champions League, La Liga and Club World Cup.

“To win it three times running is a very big honour,” Messi, who also won both old awards in 2009, told the audience after being presented with the trophy by former Brazil striker Ronaldo a three-time World Player of the Year. And also he added as  “I want to share it with the people who helped me, my team mates and coach. This is very special, I want to divide it with me team mate Xavi.”

It was also learnt that no player has previously won the FIFA award three times in a row, although Michel Platini claimed the France Football prize three years in succession in the 1980s.

Barcelona’s coach Pep Guardiola won the Best Coach 2011 award ahead of Manchester United’s Alex Ferguson and Jose Mourinho of Real Madrid. And Ferguson took the FIFA presidential award for outstanding service to the sport.

Barcelona’s coach Pep Guardiola said “I would like to share this award with Mourinho and Ferguson and all the coaches around the world who love this game,” . And then he continued “I also thank the thousands of people through more the 100 years who have worked in football in Barcelona and have developed one of the best clubs in the world.”

The ceremony, co-presented by former Netherlands striker Ruud Gullit, also saw Japan’s Homare Sawa voted as the Women’s Soccer Player of the Year 2011, ending a run of five successive wins for Brazil’s Martha.

Brazil and Santos forward Neymar won the award for the Goal of the Year, a stunning effort in a Brazilian championship match against Flamengo.

Messi swept home with 47.88 per cent to votes in the survey among national team coaches, captains and selected media. While Portugal and Real Madrid player Ronaldo took 21.6 percent and the Barcelona's Spanish player Xavi took 9.23 percent.

I think the Argentina and Barcelona forward player Lionel Messi truly deserves and is worthy to be called as the "The god of the Football" and the Barcelona FC is always the Champ. He not only scores goals for his team but in the meantime, he also assist his team mates to score the goals for the team. He is one such rare football star player who is always calm and patience even in the time when other opposition players make a fault deliberately and behave rudely upon him during the matches. He is not such kind of players who approach and demand the referees in the match to award a card (Yellow/Red) to that particular opposition players who committed fault upon him or his other team mates. And I should say that every professional football star players should possess the good qualities and manners like him in the field. Lionel Messi is the greatest football player that have ever been on this planet. My Best Wishes for the best and greatest football player Lionel Messi, the god of the football, and the Barcelona FC which is always the Champ, for the upcoming matches in the year 2012. Keep Winning and Good Luck !!!!!!

Tuesday, January 10, 2012

Relating to the Animal Rights and its drawbacks

I really appreciate the rights given to the animals, the Animal Rights, so that they(animals) can be given the same interest of consideration similar to human beings.And also, I totally agree with the Article 51A (g) of Indian Constitution which enshrines and casts upon every citizen of India, the duty to have compassion for all living creatures, as a Fundamental Duty. Yes,of course, every living creatures should be treated well and protected and look upon them with care.

But my question here is what if, they(animals) began to act and behave wild or violent upon the human beings. Don't we think that we are/should be more important than them? God created the human beings as superior than any other living creatures on the Earth. I agree that we need to treat them well but we shouldn't let them take advantage of us.

For instance, in the state of Karnataka (or may be the same tragic story may apply or have happened in other parts of states in India), many a times I have read in the local newspapers that the stray dogs attacked the young or old man or women. Even after that I couldn't see much changes regarding the measurement/steps taken by the law makers and this violent nature and act of stray dogs continue to hunt after every human beings, young and old alike. Instead there have been opposition from the animal rights organisation protecting the animals or stray dogs and not letting the Government to take their own course of actions against those stray dogs and thus protecting the people.

Do you think that animals are far more important than human beings? These animals don't even care us, even the infant babies they won't even care to spare, forget about the grown ups. How long are we going to let these violent stray dogs or animals attack us? The following is the recent one such incident that happen in the state of Karnataka on the Sunday morning on January 8,2012 :

In less than a week after a five year old boy knocked on the doors of the Karnataka high court seeking compensation of Rs 5 lakh for being bitten by street dogs, another four and half year old, Selva was attacked by a pack of stray dogs at Sarakki Circle, Kanapura Road.
These stray dogs bit the innocent toddler on his face and mauled him but fortunately there was passerby who hurled the dogs with stones and chased them away.

It was later learned that Selva was just a rag-picker living in Puttenahalli, who was at the garbage dump in Sarakki Circle around 10am when the stray dogs pounced and attacked him. They bit his nose and tore away a piece of flesh off his face before the passerby could rush to the boy's rescue. The boy was then rushed to the Sanjay Gandhi Hospital in Jayanagar 4th Block.

Now who is going to be responsible for all these misfortunes? Don't we have the Human rights too? Lets think and take appropriate steps from farther increase of stray dogs in the street and its attack before it's too late. Don't you think that Human beings are more important than any other living creatures on the Earth?

Monday, January 9, 2012

The miraculous survival from the death of bullets

Photo: CBCMHK, Pastor, Dr. Vevo Phesao displays the jacket to the congregation. Mulutso is seen standing in the left

The congregations of Chakhesang Baptist Church Minister’s Hill, Kohima (CBCMHK) Church on New Year were blessed with the amazing survival story of 9-year-old Mulutso Chakhesang, one of the three civilians who sustained injuries during a shocking firing incident in Kohima on December 20, 2011. 

It was heard that the minor Mulutsa, a class 3 student of  Mt. Sinai Higher Secondary School, Kohima (A Sponsored Institute of CBCMHK), was shot with 2 bullets while he along with his uncle were proceeding to taxi stand to go down from Kohima to Dimapur. The miracle and amazing happened when one of the bullets hit his right shoulder and found it trapped in his jacket and the another bullet hit close to his heart which was also found jammed on his skin.

Indeed our God is great. The promise our Lord gave us in the Holy Bible is what is always need to believe and trust Him. He said that He will save us from every kind of dangers and He  also assured us that "A thousand may fall dead beside you, ten thousand all around you, but you will not be harmed. You will look and see how the wicked are punished- Psalms 91:7-8" in the Holy Bible.

Nothing is Impossible with Him. PRAISE THE LORD.

Sunday, January 8, 2012

Our Lord is Worthy to be Praised

"Our Lord and God! You are worthy to receive glory, honor, and power. For You created all things, and by Your will they were given existence and life"- Revelation 4:11