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Friday, January 25, 2013

Life as Analog Clock

I have always loved to have an Analog clock in my room for the time and have it for so many years, I think most of you might also have had one even if not presently but in the past. And also most of you, like me have also failed to see how it somehow relates to our life. 

This analog clock has three hands- one second hand, minute hand and hour hand. I have rather assumed these hands as three kinds of people in this world- poor, middle and rich class people. I have assumed hour hand as those people who progress very slowly in their life, minute hand as those people who progress steadily but always on the move and lastly the second hand as those people who every time moves at the very fast pace in their life.

Those moving at the pace not always seems to be progressing but sometimes at the pace to regress. But here is what I have learnt from the analog clock or its hands. I have learnt that our Life is not always stable, the ones that moves at the very fast pace as that of the second hand comes and meet once together with the minute and hour hands. And so as those people who moves at the steady pace like that of the minute hand. Those who seems to be stable and dead in the life as the hour hand, though it may look like but actually they are the ones who work hard and progress but we failed to recognize them.

Sometimes those people like that of second hand seems to progress in their life at the fast pace than that of the minute and hour hands. But sometimes somewhere they are even left behind from the others- minute and hour hands. The same goes with even the minute and hour hands but the former is at the steady pace and the latter at the dead or slow pace. No matter how slow or fast it may seems, somewhere they tends to be forward and also backward from each other. And also meet together at a particular point of time. 

Those people like that of second hand are the ones who rise so high and also fall down so low within a short period of time in their life. And those people like that of the minute hand are the ones who rise at the steady pace and also fall at the same pace in their life. And finally those people like that of the hour hand are the ones who never seems to progress or rise in their life but somehow they work hard to move forward as others. But no matter who slow or how fast one may rise or fall in one's life, there are times when we all get together at the same position or status of life at a particular point of time.

For instance, assume that the hour hand points or is at the number 3 of the analog clock and the other hands- minute and second hands, in whatever it may be pointing. But the point here is, while the minute hand crosses the hour hand i.e. 3, there's again that second hand which moves faster than both minute and hour hands, that will cross both of them. But there's a time when the second hand will be behind the minute and hour hands, that's just after 12 and before 3 in case of hour hand. This also applies to minute hand as well. But in case of hour hand it's not always but it too faces or experiences like that of others but rarely in their life. The hour hand seems to be more stable in their life compared to those people like that of minute or second hand which are flexible or very flexible respectively.  

Therefore here what we have to learn or realize is that "All of us no matter in whichever category we may fall, someday somewhere we all gonna go through the same status or position once in our life time and meet at a particular point of time. We need to live a life like that of our pair of walking legs- The foot that's forward has no pride and the foot that's behind has no shame either, because they know one day their position will change. "

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