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Monday, January 21, 2013

It's Election Time

Elections round the corners, Canvassing everywhere and black and huge of money flowing everywhere in every men's pocket. Villages and towns getting warmer, people getting hotter.  Some want money while others look for just development. Some have in excess while others have none. Some are excited while others are left behind helpless. But I see most but not all educated youngsters now wants to see an elections being conducted, free from money  and to choose their capable leaders or representatives who can sincerely lead and represent them, fight for them and bring changes in their own society.

Sooner or later we can have what we desire but I feel it will take some time as we are yet to come forward, for now we are far behind, it will take some time for everything to settle, but it will happen. Because we got some issues :

Firstly, there are still some of  the educated young persons like us who says "ethya toh poisa khama bole time ase, election time de (This is the perfect time for money making as it's election time) " then how will the boste wala (villagers) react if we are like this, actually we are the ones to educate them .

Secondly, the so called politics became the art of money making, so whoever has money, they can play well and win and whoever doesn't, they have no or less hope though one may have good vision for their society.

Thirdly, I feel that in some point of views we the public or citizens  are the main corrupted people, only then comes our representatives(Candidates). We make our representatives corrupt, not that they are born corrupted. Who are those who demand, pressurize and vote only for money, they are us, even before and after the election.  Until and unless we elect our representatives with our own will, not with the money, there won't be any development in our places. And we are solely responsible for this backwardness.

I feel that Politics is not dirty as many of us thinks but our actions makes it and we can clean it up and define or view it new, if we only want and do it. Yes, I agree they are also no better than us, they consume. But we should also think that they have family too and they have to look after them. We should also view from the other angles.

 Some come with full of  enthusiasm and hopes for uplifting our society, but we make them fall into our trap of corruptions. We elect and we blame whom we have elected, whose false is it?? We demand money and we blame for no development, whose false is it?? It's a big "US" .

It's Okay if one keeps mum , but it's not proper to vomit it out after having in excess. It's like ATM machine, until and unless we insert or swipe our ATM card, the machine won't dispense cash. Whatever maybe elections will be held, so play it well and safe. Let's keep away from all those hatred, fights, conflicts and killings cos this is not the end, value one's and each other's life. Let's make proper use of our adult franchise (The right to vote in a public election), choose our right and capable leaders and look for the better future. All the Best !! Peace..!!

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