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Friday, January 25, 2013

Just one Thing, Dear Parents

How blessed I am to have such a loving and caring Parents. If I would ever wish one thing in my life from my Parents, would be- " I wanna be just like you as a Parent, have so much love and care for the children, the sacrificial quality you have for us is just so amazing and incomparable, and I would love to inherit every single qualities you have for us. "  However I just wanna say "Just live long and here I am very soon, to take care of both of you, my dear Parents. What a privilege it would be in my life time to take care of both of you in your old age"......May God continue to bless both of you and give you a long and prosperous life.....Thank you so much for everything. ..Love you always :)

Life as Analog Clock

I have always loved to have an Analog clock in my room for the time and have it for so many years, I think most of you might also have had one even if not presently but in the past. And also most of you, like me have also failed to see how it somehow relates to our life. 

This analog clock has three hands- one second hand, minute hand and hour hand. I have rather assumed these hands as three kinds of people in this world- poor, middle and rich class people. I have assumed hour hand as those people who progress very slowly in their life, minute hand as those people who progress steadily but always on the move and lastly the second hand as those people who every time moves at the very fast pace in their life.

Those moving at the pace not always seems to be progressing but sometimes at the pace to regress. But here is what I have learnt from the analog clock or its hands. I have learnt that our Life is not always stable, the ones that moves at the very fast pace as that of the second hand comes and meet once together with the minute and hour hands. And so as those people who moves at the steady pace like that of the minute hand. Those who seems to be stable and dead in the life as the hour hand, though it may look like but actually they are the ones who work hard and progress but we failed to recognize them.

Sometimes those people like that of second hand seems to progress in their life at the fast pace than that of the minute and hour hands. But sometimes somewhere they are even left behind from the others- minute and hour hands. The same goes with even the minute and hour hands but the former is at the steady pace and the latter at the dead or slow pace. No matter how slow or fast it may seems, somewhere they tends to be forward and also backward from each other. And also meet together at a particular point of time. 

Those people like that of second hand are the ones who rise so high and also fall down so low within a short period of time in their life. And those people like that of the minute hand are the ones who rise at the steady pace and also fall at the same pace in their life. And finally those people like that of the hour hand are the ones who never seems to progress or rise in their life but somehow they work hard to move forward as others. But no matter who slow or how fast one may rise or fall in one's life, there are times when we all get together at the same position or status of life at a particular point of time.

For instance, assume that the hour hand points or is at the number 3 of the analog clock and the other hands- minute and second hands, in whatever it may be pointing. But the point here is, while the minute hand crosses the hour hand i.e. 3, there's again that second hand which moves faster than both minute and hour hands, that will cross both of them. But there's a time when the second hand will be behind the minute and hour hands, that's just after 12 and before 3 in case of hour hand. This also applies to minute hand as well. But in case of hour hand it's not always but it too faces or experiences like that of others but rarely in their life. The hour hand seems to be more stable in their life compared to those people like that of minute or second hand which are flexible or very flexible respectively.  

Therefore here what we have to learn or realize is that "All of us no matter in whichever category we may fall, someday somewhere we all gonna go through the same status or position once in our life time and meet at a particular point of time. We need to live a life like that of our pair of walking legs- The foot that's forward has no pride and the foot that's behind has no shame either, because they know one day their position will change. "

Thursday, January 24, 2013

Election is all about You.

Everyone busy with the upcoming elections, some busy taking out the opportunity to make money, some wants development and complain about it but still demanding of money or some other from the intending candidates is not so far from him/her. While others are concerned about their loyalty to their party but not to the personality and capability of the candidate. Some are least concerned about the "friendship" just for that one time election, some they even don't spare their family and relatives. Why is this so?? but I would like to say, make no friends with any of the candidates before election, utilize one's own right of adult franchise and choose those candidate who will bring development and prosperity to our land. But after election, whatever may be the fate, make no enemy with anyone, but go back how you used to be before and enjoy the good spirit of togetherness and oneness again. This so called election is not permanent and  not your life. This isn't your real part of your life, but the real parts are your family,relatives and friends. Some says "Politics has no friends" , so whoever you make friends through this politics may turn out to be your not true friends. Your real and true friends are the ones who was before this election or out of the politics and always there for you in any kind of circumstances.

In short, I just wanna share my opinion that, Never let your right to vote go away or sell with some few rupees. Choose those representatives who is capable to lead us and bring development. Never demand the candidates money if you are the right and sincere citizen. This election is nothing more than your closed and dear ones, so don't break the good relationships you have with them during this election. All the best, Happy voting :)

Monday, January 21, 2013

It's Election Time

Elections round the corners, Canvassing everywhere and black and huge of money flowing everywhere in every men's pocket. Villages and towns getting warmer, people getting hotter.  Some want money while others look for just development. Some have in excess while others have none. Some are excited while others are left behind helpless. But I see most but not all educated youngsters now wants to see an elections being conducted, free from money  and to choose their capable leaders or representatives who can sincerely lead and represent them, fight for them and bring changes in their own society.

Sooner or later we can have what we desire but I feel it will take some time as we are yet to come forward, for now we are far behind, it will take some time for everything to settle, but it will happen. Because we got some issues :

Firstly, there are still some of  the educated young persons like us who says "ethya toh poisa khama bole time ase, election time de (This is the perfect time for money making as it's election time) " then how will the boste wala (villagers) react if we are like this, actually we are the ones to educate them .

Secondly, the so called politics became the art of money making, so whoever has money, they can play well and win and whoever doesn't, they have no or less hope though one may have good vision for their society.

Thirdly, I feel that in some point of views we the public or citizens  are the main corrupted people, only then comes our representatives(Candidates). We make our representatives corrupt, not that they are born corrupted. Who are those who demand, pressurize and vote only for money, they are us, even before and after the election.  Until and unless we elect our representatives with our own will, not with the money, there won't be any development in our places. And we are solely responsible for this backwardness.

I feel that Politics is not dirty as many of us thinks but our actions makes it and we can clean it up and define or view it new, if we only want and do it. Yes, I agree they are also no better than us, they consume. But we should also think that they have family too and they have to look after them. We should also view from the other angles.

 Some come with full of  enthusiasm and hopes for uplifting our society, but we make them fall into our trap of corruptions. We elect and we blame whom we have elected, whose false is it?? We demand money and we blame for no development, whose false is it?? It's a big "US" .

It's Okay if one keeps mum , but it's not proper to vomit it out after having in excess. It's like ATM machine, until and unless we insert or swipe our ATM card, the machine won't dispense cash. Whatever maybe elections will be held, so play it well and safe. Let's keep away from all those hatred, fights, conflicts and killings cos this is not the end, value one's and each other's life. Let's make proper use of our adult franchise (The right to vote in a public election), choose our right and capable leaders and look for the better future. All the Best !! Peace..!!

Learn the true value of Life.

There are many wealthiest or richest persons in the world, some say billionaires or others say millionaires. But there are also so many ways or stories behind of how they made it or reached that highest peak sooner or later. They can also be categorized into many types. But let me just focus on these, who are kind and selfless and those who are merciless and selfish.

There are some who saves the huge amount of money into their saving accounts in various banks so as something that can be called as a treasure for their 3,4,5 generations who really doesn't know whether he can really make up to his next generations. Who can give guarantee to the life. Right?? This is just the 2nd part of selfish nature of wealthy persons.

But on the other hand, there are like this kind, generous and selfless Philanthropist  "Bill Gates". William Henry ‘Bill’ Gates with an estimated wealth of $65 billion is as rich as two Kenyas, three Trinidads and a dozen Montenegros but is now engaged in the process of ridding himself of all the money in the hope of extending the lives of others less fortunate than himself. The 57 years old Bill Gates and his wife Melinda have so far given away $28 billion via their charitable foundation, more than $8 billion of it to improve global health. He now intends to eradicate polio in the world. 

“We’re focused on the help of the poorest in the world, which really drives you into vaccination. You can actually take a disease and get rid of it altogether, like we are doing with polio,” Gates told. “Polio’s pretty special because once you get an eradication you no longer have to spend money on it. It’s just there as a gift for the rest of time.”

The Bill and Melinda Gates Foundation will spend $1.8 billion in the next six years to tackle polio. “All you need is over 90 percent of children to have the vaccine drop three times and the disease stops spreading. The number of cases eventually goes to zero.”

“When we started, we had over 400,000 children a year being paralysed and we are now down to under 1,000 cases a year. The great thing about finishing polio is that we’ll have resources to get going on malaria and measles,” Gates said.

It's not only that Bill Gates has excess resources (money) but he has a big heart too for others especially towards poor. Not all the wealthiest or richest persons give their helping hand as him. As we know, he has done numerous of huge charities for various causes in many countries. And I say this is how the rich and wealthy person should do, help the poorest of the world. If every rich people does even a bit of charity, then I think there won't be so called poverty  in this world.

For those who are born or are poor, be satisfied with what you have , at least we have a bed to sleep at night and a blanket  for the cold and windy night, whereas there are some in the world where they sleep on the roadside, footpath or street without even with what we called blanket. At least we have some clothes to wear whereas they have none, we have at least 2-3 meals a day whereas there are some who starve so hard even for a meal per day. We have at least a house to shelter us during storm, hot or rainy season but they have none and have to go through all these severity.

 But for those who are wealthy, this is your opportunity to think once again about all those blessings you have received from God and help the needy people. Yes, we need money while on this Earth, but I don't think we need it or should have it in excess, one may easily fall into the devil's trap , so beware with what and how much you have or from whom and where it came from. 

And for those people who are good at taking advantages of  weak person. Don't you and me know that when we snatch from others, they are suffering because of what we did. Because of our shameless deeds upon them, some their families are broken, some they starve for their living, some their children are deprived from good educations and many others. But here we are, pretending to live a luxurious life at the cost of other's life. Don't this means that we are broad daylight thieves, no better than those night time thieves with whom we seems to hate or bash them when get caught. I should say they are better than those broad daylight thieves because at least they steal from those who have in excess, as they are in the poverty line. However those broad daylight thieves are the ones who tries to snatch or steal from those deprived or poor innocent people.

 I just wanna ask you, what do you feel when you build a beautiful house and lives in it, when you eat healthy food, when you travel by luxurious vehicles or dress up in your finest clothes and look in the mirror....mirror?? did I say it mirror?? Yes I did, do you see yourself??? So do you feel Proud of yourself or Shame, with what you have because of how you have it or from whom you snatched it.

 If we are to be ashamed but not, then we are such a shameless creatures. Shame on us, actually we really don't have a place on this Earth but in the Hell. But if you are Proud of yourself because of your good and right works towards humanity, then we salute and bow to you. We respect you. May you live long to continue with your good, kind and selfless nature. Let everyone follow your footprints.

 Dear, don't we know that none can take away anything with us what is saved or treasured on this Earth when we die. If you wanna save it, save them in the above in His place called Heaven by helping the needy and poor people. Do some charity works, not to show off others about your wealth or duplicate face but to let others know how much you have been blessed by God so as others may praise the Almighty above instead.  All these so called fame and money are just for temporary. Let's try to create "LOVE"' in our heart, so that we learn to give but not to take away from others. Oh Lord, let your Will be done. Amen.

 “I want to live my life in such a way that when I get out of bed in the morning, the devil says, "aw shit, he's up!” 
― Steve Maraboli

Sunday, January 20, 2013

Team of the Year 2012

                                               "Team of the Year 2012" 

Back Row(L-R) : Cristiano Ronaldo (Real Madrid/Portugal), Marcelo (RM/Brazil), Sergio Ramos (RM/Spain), Gerard Piqué (FBC/Spain), Daniel Alves (FCB/Brazil), Íker Casillas (RM/Spain)

Front Row(L-R) : Falcao García (Atlético de Madrid/Colombia), Lionel Messi (FC Barcelona/Argentina), Andrés Iniesta (FCB/Spain), Xavi Hernández (FCB/Spain), Xabi Alonso (RM/Spain)

Lionel Messi wins fourth consecutive FIFA Ballon d'Or award

Lionel Messi wins fourth consecutive FIFA 'World Player of the Year' 2012 award ( FIFA Ballon d'Or award ) for his astonishing 91 goals in 2012 becoming the all-time record of goals scored in a calendar year after breaking the previous record set by Gerd Müller in 1972.

Lionel Andres Messi ends 2012 with 91 goals

Leo Messi’s scoring record was one of the talking points of Barça’s win at the José Zorrilla (1-3) against Valladolid. But the team has also set records for the most wins and goals in a calendar year.

Barça’s spectacular start to the season continues. They have a total of 49 points from a possible 51, from 16 wins and 1 draw with an average of 3.35 goals scored per game.

With two games yet to play before the halfway stage, Barça have already secured the honorary ‘winter’ title for the nineteenth time.

FC Barcelona have made 2012 their record breaking year. They have set Liga records for the most wins (49) and the most goals (175).

Messi has set the world record for a goals in a single calendar year, with a grand total of 91, beating the previous all-time best set in 1972 by Germany and Bayern’s Gert Müller, who got 85. The Argentinian got 79 goals for Barça and another 12 for his national team.

Saturday (22/12/2012) was the first time in this edition of La Liga that Leo Messi has got one goal and one goal only. That continues his remarkable record of 26 goals in 17 games so far.

The Argentinian striker has scored in seven consecutive Liga matches. That means he is one away from equalling his personal best of eight in a row.

Lionel Andres Messi broke the all-time record of goals scored in a calendar year

Lionel Andres Messi breaks Müller's record of goals scored in a calendar year on December 10,2012 (Indian Timing). With his two goals (14 and 24 minutes) against Betis, the Argentine broke the all-time record of goals scored in a calendar year set by Gerd Müller in 1972.

76 of Messi’s goals were scored with his left foot, 7 with the right and 3 with his head.

74 were scored from inside the box (14 were penalties) and 12 outside (7 from free kicks).

Of the 86 goals scored by the Argentine, 12 of them were for Argentina and 74 were for his Club (official matches). He scored 56 in the Liga, 13 in the Champions League, 3 in the Copa del Rey and 2 in the Spanish Super Cup.

Müller, on the other hand, set the record in 1972 by scoring 72 goals for Bayern Munich and 13 for Germany, he played a total of 60 matches that year. Messi equalled/broke the record at the age of 25, Der Bomber was 27 when he set the record in 1972.

Sachin Tendulkar retires from One Day International Cricket Career

The master blaster Sachin Tendulkar retires from One Day International Cricket Career. Tendulkar finishes an illustrious career in the 50-over format, having played for 23 years (1989-2012) of magic, 463 ODIs, scored 18,426 runs and made 49 centuries, each of them a world record. The most prolific run scorer in the world ever is 39 years of age. He announces about his retirement from One Day International Cricket Career on Sunday, 23 December 2012 as he wants to focus on Test cricket.

He made his debut on December 18, 1989, as a 16-year-old against Pakistan. He played his last ODI on March 18, 2012, also against Pakistan in the Asia Cup.

His last ODI was against Pakistan in Dhaka during the Asia Cup, where he made a half-century in India’s victory. And also Tendulkar made his ODI debut on his first international tour, in 1989, against Pakistan in Gujranwala, where he got a duck.

He scored his first half-century in his ninth ODI and his first century took 79 ODIs to arrive.His innings of 114 against Bangladesh on March 16, 2012 was his 100th international hundred which is a world record in the cricket history to be the only cricketer to have scored a 100th Hundred. He was also part of the Indian cricket team when they won their second World Cup in 2011 after a gap of 28 years since 1983.

The master blaster Sachin Tendulkar is known as the record maker and breaker in the Cricket history.

Solution for the Hiccups

Hiccup or Hiccough is a sudden gulping sound caused by an involuntary spasm of the diaphragm and sometimes a symptom of indigestion. As you know that hiccups comes in from nowhere at a sudden without prior warning and sometimes it prolongs which is embarrassing. However, some simple techniques given below may help you to stop hiccups :

1. Hold your Breath
            Take a long, deep breadth and hold it for a few seconds. Experts says that when there is a build-up of carbon dioxide in your lungs, the diaphragm relaxes and eases the hiccups.

2. Shut your Ears
            Shut your ears for about 30 seconds or press the soft areas behind your earlobes. This sends signal to relax through the vague nerve, which connects to the diaphragm.

3. Put your Tongue Out
            This helps you breathe more smoothly and stops the spasms that cause hiccups. This is a common trick employed by the vocalists or actors when they perform as it stimulates the opening between the vocal cords.

4. Cover your Mouth
              Cover your nose and mouth with your hands and breath normally. This stops the hiccups because of the extra dose of carbon dioxide.

5. Drink Water Fast
               Take about 10 sips quickly from a glass without stopping. When you gulp down a drink, rhythmic contractions of the esophagus override spasms of the diaphragm and stops you from hiccups.  

6. Press your Palm
              Use the thumb of one hand to press the palm of the other hand as hard as you can. Another tactic is to squeeze the ball of your left or right thumb between the thumb and forefinger of your another hand. This may feel discomfort but it serves as a distraction that affects the nervous system and helps you to stop your hiccups.

Now no worries whenever the hiccups occurs or confuse yourself what to do when hiccups occurs at any point of time anywhere. Just make use of the above mentioned tactics and say goodbye to the Hiccups.


All my life I thought that.......

"LOVE is something that you shouldn't love it" ......
"MISSING is something that you shouldn't miss it" .....
"WORD is something that shouldn't be worthless"....
"MIRROR is something that doesn't mirror you"......
"YOU is just "Y" , "O" , "U" 
"STATUS is just a state us"

until I came across you !!