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Sunday, April 26, 2015

Nearly 1,000 confirmed dead in Nepal earthquake; death toll to rise

A powerful earthquake struck Nepal Saturday, killing at least 906 people across a swath of four countries as the violently shaking earth collapsed houses, leveled centuries-old temples and triggered avalanches on Mt. Everest. It was the worst tremor to hit the poor South Asian nation in over 80 years.

At least 876 people were confirmed dead in Nepal, according to the police. Another 20 were killed in India, six in Tibet and two in Bangladesh. Two Chinese citizens died at the Nepal-China border.

19th-century Kathmandu tower collapses

The Dharahara, a nine-storeyed 19th-century tower, collapsed here after a huge earthquake shook Nepal and caused widespread devastation on Saturday, a media report said.
Hundreds of people are reportedly trapped in the debris, a posting on Twitter said.
According to bloggers, the tower, built in 1832, was an iconic monument erected by Nepal’s first prime minister, Bhimsen Thapa.

It was built as a military watch tower but became one of Kathmandu’s key landmarks.
The quake measured 7.5 on the Richter scale, later revised to 7.9 by USGS. Half an hour later, another earthquake measuring 6.6 on the Richter scale hit 49 km east of Lamjung.

The world's strongest earthquakes since 1900

A magnitude-7.9 earthquake shook Nepal's capital and the densely populated Kathmandu Valley on Saturday, the worst quake in the Himalayan nation in over 80 years.

The world's strongest earthquakes since 1900:

May 22, 1960: A magnitude-9.5 earthquake in southern Chile and ensuing tsunami kill at least 1,716 people.

March 28, 1964: A magnitude-9.2 quake in Prince William Sound, Alaska, kills 131 people, including 128 from a tsunami.

Dec. 26, 2004: A magnitude-9.1 quake in Indonesia triggers an Indian Ocean tsunami, killing 230,000 people in a dozen countries.

March 11, 2011: A magnitude-9.0 quake off the northeast coast of Japan triggers a tsunami, killing more than 18,000 people.

Nov. 4, 1952: A magnitude-9.0 quake in Kamchatka in Russia's Far East causes damage but no reported deaths despite setting off 9.1-meter (30-foot) waves in Hawaii.

Feb. 27, 2010: A magnitude-8.8 quake shakes Chile, generating a tsunami and killing 524 people.

Jan. 31, 1906: A magnitude-8.8 quake off the coast of Ecuador generates a tsunami that kills at least 500 people.

Feb. 4, 1965: A magnitude-8.7 quake strikes Alaska's Rat Islands, causing an 11-meter (35-foot) -high tsunami.

March 28, 2005: A magnitude-8.6 quake in northern Sumatra in Indonesia kills about 1,300 people.

Aug. 15, 1950: A magnitude-8.6 earthquake in Tibet kills at least 780 people.

April 11, 2012: A magnitude-8.6 quake off the west coast of northern Sumatra in Indonesia triggers tsunami warnings in more than two dozen nations.

March 9, 1957: A magnitude-8.6 quake strikes the Andreanof Islands in Alaska triggers a 16-meter (52-foot) -high tsunami.

Sept. 12, 2007: A magnitude-8.5 quake near Sumatra in Indonesia kills at least 25 people.

Feb. 1, 1938: A magnitude-8.5 quake in Banda Sea, Indonesia, generates a small tsunami.

Feb. 3, 1923: A magnitude-8.5 quake in Kamchatka in Russia's Far East triggers a tsunami.

Nov. 11, 1922: A magnitude-8.5 quake along the Chile-Argentina border triggers a tsunami that causes damage along Chile's coast.

Oct. 13, 1963: A magnitude-8.5 quake in the Kuril Islands triggers a tsunami.

(Source: US Geological Survey)

Sunday, April 19, 2015

God answers prayers on His terms (Luke 11:1-13)

In order to further impress upon the now large company of followers the readiness of the Father to answer their prayers and give them such things as they needed, Jesus told them a story.

At midnight, He said, a man opened the door of his house to receive a friend who had arrived unexpectedly from a distant city. The lateness of his arrival may have been the result of delay on the road or because the visitor had chosen to travel after dark to avoid the smoldering heat of the day.A host in first-century society would be expected to provide a welcome to a guest regardless of when he arrived.

The friend’s unexpected arrival was quite an embarrassment to the lady of the house, for she had just run out of bread and would not have a fresh supply until she baked the next day in the communal oven. So she asked her husband to call on a neighbour, whom she knew had a good supply, and borrow a few loaves.

The manwent to his neighbour at midnight and standing at the door says, “Friend, lend me three loaves of bread, because a friend of mine on a journey has come to me, and I have nothing to set before him.”

The annoyed neighbour replied, “Don’t bother me. The door is already locked and my children are with me in bed. I can’t get up and give you anything.”

His refusal was not without justification. The scene is that of a Palestinian home in which the family are all asleep in one room–perhaps the only room in the house. In those days it was customary for the whole family to huddle together for warmth on mattresses laid upon the earth floor. Therefore getting up and opening the door was much more of a business than it would be for us today. For one person to rise would meant disturbing the rest of the sleepers. The father could not get over to the door and slide back the heavy bolt that bars it without waking up his family.In such a situation no one would be happy to respond, especially in the middle of the night. Moreover, the door would be secured not by a single lock or bolt, but by several wooden beams which would need to be lifted out of their sockets.

But the caller was insistent about the urgency of his need, and so at last, with much grumbling the man of the house rose and gave him the required loaves of bread.

Jesus commented, “So I say to you: Ask and it will be given to you; seek and you will find; knock and the door will be opened to you.”He also added, “For everyone who asks receives; he who seeks finds; and to him who knocks, the door will be opened.”

By contrast with the neighbour who had to be importuned to help someone in need, this parable presents the way God answers prayer. If in human circumstances one will respond to a request, even though reluctantly when pressed hard enough, surely God will answer and do so far more graciously. God needs no persuading to grant our requests if they are according to His will.

But we must also remember that some prayers will not be answered. James 4:3 explains why, “When you ask, you do not receive, because you ask with wrong motives, that you may spend what you get on your pleasures.” God will not listen to those who use prayer to gratify themselves rather than help others and please God.

There maybe times like that of the importunate caller when God let us ask repeatedly before answering. God is as ready to hear a prayer at midnight as at midday. There is no reluctance on the part of God to give us blessings. He is even more willing to give when we cry to Him in our need. He may delay because He sees that an immediate answer would not be best for us. His seemingly lack of response and necessity of perseverance in prayer on our part are, therefore, according to the wise providence of God.

God allowed Paul three times to ask for the removal of his “thorn in the flesh”. At first the apostle was not prepared to accept a negative answer to his petition. But he finally understood that the sustaining grace of God is a greater blessing than the removal of his affliction. Sometimes God may allow us to persist in prayer, not to persuade Him to change His mind, but to persuade us to change ours.

Let us never upbraid God for the answers He gives to our prayers. When we receive an answer very different from what we have asked, let us realize that God has some purpose in it, and in His good time, we will understand that what seemed to be a stone was really bread to our souls.

-Selie Visa

Thursday, April 2, 2015

First woman Member of Parliament from Nagaland state Rano M Shaiza passes away

 Rano Mese Shaiza, one of the foremost woman Naga leaders and the first woman Member of Parliament from Nagaland state passed away on April 1 in Kohima at the age of 81. Shaiza was elected to the Parliament as part of the United Democratic Front in 1977.

She was born on November 11, 1928 in Phek Town. Shaiza was the first Naga Women’s Federation President under the Naga National Council. She also accompanied the Naga Goodwill Mission to Assam as a leader and interpreter. Shaiza was jailed for 19 months in the early sixties.

Shaiza was closely associated with the United Democratic Front of Nagaland and the United Democratic Front. She was also an early activist with regard to the liquor prohibition movement in the state and later a member of the Action Committee of the Nagaland Baptist Church Council (NBCC). She was also a senior founding member of the Naga Mothers’ Association, the Angami Public Organisation, Baptist College Kohima and a member of Ura Academy.
It may be noted that it was through Shaiza’s initiative that talks between then Prime Minister of India, Moraji Desai and AZ Phizo could materialize.

The funeral service for Rano M Shaiza is scheduled to take place at Ura Academy Hall, Mission Compound, Kohima at 12:00 noon on Thursday. Thereafter she is scheduled to be laid to rest at Zubza on the same day.
Governor, CM condoles

Nagaland Chief Minister, TR Zeliang has meanwhile expressed sadness at the demise of Shaiza and lamented that even after 50 years of statehood, Nagaland has not been able to produce any other woman MP or MLA till date. “In her death, Nagaland has lost its pioneer woman politician and a social and political activist. The void created by her death would be difficult to fill,” the CM said.

Nagaland Governor, PB Acharya, while expressing his condolences, said that Shaiza was a “proud leader of Nagaland… She will always be remembered for her contribution to the welfare of the people of Nagaland. In her demise, we have lost a tall and prominent leader.”

Wednesday, April 1, 2015

AOLEANG MONYU - The most important and biggest Festival of Konyak Naga Tribe

Wishing you all a very happy "AOLEANG MONYU" .May God bless you all.

(The most important and biggest Festival of Konyak Naga Tribe)

The entire Konyak Community of Nagaland, observed Aoleang Monyu in the first week of Aoleang Lee (April) every year since time immemorial. Aoleang is observed after completion of sowing of seeds in the new fields and to marks the end of the old year and to welcome the new year beginning with spring when a riot of flowers in every hue start to bloom. It is time to ask Almighty God for beautiful harvest of crops in that very year.

 The Aoleang Monyu is spread over six days. Each day has separate names and different significance : (1) Hoi Lai Yah Nyih (2) Yin Mok Pho Nyih, (3) Yin Mok Shek Nyih (4) Lingnyu Nyih (5) Lingha Nyih and (6) Lingshan Nyih.

1. The first day is called "HOI LAI YAH NYIH" which means the preparation day of the Aoleang Monyu. On this day every arrangement is made for the Aoleang, like collection of firewood, banana leaves, vegetables etc. The rice beer is also stored on this day. New clothes are woven and all necessary ornament are prepared. On this day, the head of the family goes to the jhum field and sacrifices a chicken and sprinkles its hot blood on the "WUMJONG" altar with an invocation to the supreme Power for helping to grow crops well. By taking out the intestine, he predicts the future of his family. A leg of chicken with food is given to the neighbour of the new jhum field of that year. The food is carefully put into leaves and brought home and given to the family members after the prayers and ceremony. On that day also, a stage called "Aoleang WAKAM" is constructed in every "PANS" Morungs for the dancing parties.

2. The second day is called "YIM MOK PHO NYIH" The domestic animals like Buffaloes, Mithuns, Cows and Pigs etc. have to be searched and roped in and tethered to a past to be killed during the Aoleang. In addition to that young boys those who have not yet joined in head hunting were taken to the jungles for proxy head hunting . On their return from the jungles, the next day, young boys and girls have to be tabooed on that day.

3. The third day is called "YIM MOK SHEK NYIH" which means the day for killing of animals. On this day, the green signal for the start of the festival is given by hosting of well decorated Bamboo Flag "KOIPHONG" Right after the hosting the young men start playing the logdrum and go to their own houses to kill the animals. All the men gathered at the Morung will have best chosen food and rice beer before they go to their houses. The youngsters in the age group between 15 to 20 years together kill some domestic animals and take the meat to their parents after they enjoy the day.

4. The fourth day is called "LINGNYU NYIH" which means the great day amongst the six days of Aoleang Monyu. On this day, men and women wear beautiful ornaments and spend the whole day in community feasts, amusements, dances and merry making. Every house prepares the best feast and shares it with friends, relatives and neighbours. In the afternoon, all the men go to the main entrance gate of the village and have a feast there and teach the young men the art of head-hunting. On their return from the place called "PEJONG" which means entrance of the village, the men group themselves according to different Morungs and start dancing. Led by their leaders, they visit each other’s Morung and express each other’s good and bad qualities through songs.
The normal themes of the songs are the victory over the enemy, asking Almighty God for bountiful crops etc. The dance party holds enemy’s heads in their hands and display in front of others Morung  their victory over their enemies. In the evening, all the groups gather at a place called "SHAOCHONG" where the heads, legs and hands of enemy are kept. All the groups dance together and fire the guns. The old and young men who can shoot the gun go to their own houses with loaded gun and fire in front of their houses to signify the "LINGNYU NYIH".

5. The fifth day is called "LINGHA NYIH". This day is observed by honoring each other ; the old men are honoured by the young ; young boys and their parents call on their married sisters and daughter’s respectively and after them best feasts ; married daughters also visit their parents and offer them the best feasts; married daughters also visit and offer grand feasts to their parents. On this day  families of the dead visit the burial sites of their dead relatives and pay their last homage to the departed souls. A special feast is arranged on this day to renew the friendship made by parents and to make the friendship last for posterity amongst the descendants. They also visit permanently declared household friends and exchange best prepared food items.  permanently declared households friends and exchange well-prepared food items. Permanently declared household friendship continues for years together best portion of meat are exchanged between these households.

6. The sixth day is called "LINGSHAN NYIH" which means final day of the Aoleang Monyu. The day is spent in cleaning the village and houses which were made dirty during the Aoleang Days.

Sunday, March 15, 2015

NPSC aspirants.......On your Mark !!

Latest news from the Nagaland Public Service

Combined Technical Services Examination 2015)

Please visit or click the link here:

Saturday, March 7, 2015

District Education Office (DEO) Kohima informs

In the local daily newspaper Morung Express, District Education Office, Kohima has informed all the Grade IV appointees under District Education Office, Kohima, who have completed three years and above in service as on November 30, 2014, are informed to submit their photo copy of first appointment order, last extension order, educational qualification and birth certificate to the District Education Officer on or before March 10 for conducting suitability test for service regularization.

H1N1 Influenza (Swine Flu) vaccines are now available: Health department

Nagaland health department has informed that vaccine for H1N1 Influenza (Swine Flu) was now available in selected nursing homes, private hospitals and pharmacies.

According to a DIPR, Integrated Disease Surveillance Project (IDSP) state nodal officer Dr. Tiasunep Pongener has advised public to take measures so as to avoid dust induced/related respiratory tract infection in view of the changing weather conditions.

“As far as possible, small children below 5 years of age and adults above 65 years of age, and people with chronic underlying diseases should remain confined at home,” he said.

All the five samples that were sent to ICMR, Dibrugarh March 3 for confirmation of H1N1 flu have been reported negative.

(Source: Morung Express)

Friday, March 6, 2015

Barca to the Road of Copa del Rey Final

Barca reach Cup final winning all their matches in the competition so far for the first time since 1926 

FC Barcelona reaches fifth Spanish Cup final in seven seasons after defeating Villarreal.



Villarreal : Jonathan dos Santos (38 Minute)
FC Barcelona : Neymar (2 Minute), Luis Suárez (73 Minute) and Neymar (88 Minute)


Date: Thursday, 05/03/2015 00:30 am IST
Stadium: El Madrigal
City: Villarreal
Capacity: 25,000
Competition: Copa del Rey

Sunday, March 1, 2015



Granada C.F : Fran Rico (52 minute, Penalty)

FC Barcelona : Rakitic (24 Minute) , Luis Suárez (47 Minute) and Messi (69 Minute)


Date:Saturday, 28/02/2015  8:30 pm  IST
Stadium:Los Cármenes
Competition: League

Granada C.F  Vs  FC Barcelona

1 --- GOALS --- 3
30 -POSSESSION(%)- 70

10 --ATTEMPTS-- 16
4 --ON TARGETS-- 9
4 --CORNERS-- 5

2 --- CARDS --- 2


1 Oier
2 Nyom
6 Babin
19 Cala
22 Foulquier
4 Fran Rico
16 Iturra
8 Javi Márquez
15 Lass
18 Jhon Córdoba
21 Robert Ibáñez
3 Luís Martins
7 Candeias
12 Rubén Pérez
13 Roberto
23 Rochina
24 Jeison Murillo
29 Success

13 Bravo
22 Dani Alves
15 Bartra
24 Mathieu
18 Jordi Alba
4 Rakitic
14 Mascherano
6 Xavi
10 Messi
9 Luis Suárez
11 Neymar
1 Ter Stegen
2 Montoya
5 Busquets
7 Pedro
8 Iniesta
12 Rafinha
21 Adriano

Friday, February 27, 2015

Explosion at a gun shop leads to major fire in Wokha town, Nagaland

7 people died and over 20 were injured as a major fire broke out in Wokha town as a result of an explosion at a gun shop on February 24, 2015 at 11:27am.

Seven people died and over 20 were injured when a major fire broke out in Wokha Town on Tuesday, February 24. Among the casualty were two women and two minors.

Photo: (Left) Surrounding houses destroyed by fire; (Right) RCC building that housed gun shop.

The fire erupted following an explosion at 11:27am at a private gun shop (M/s General Merchant & Arms & Ammunitions Dealer) in the heart of Wokha Town, in Tsumang colony, informed district administration officials from Wokha district. The fire led to the further explosion of 4-5 gas cylinders in three other houses adjacent to the building, which were completely gutted. The gun shop was housed in an RCC building, surrounded by wooden cum tin roofed houses in a cluttered residential cum commercial area.

Sources on the spot stated that the explosions caused debris (bricks, glass, stones, etc.) to fly in all directions. The injured persons have been admitted to the district hospital, or are being treated at various clinics in the vicinity, sources said.

The fire services came to the rescue immediately, informed the Wokha district administration, contributing much to controlling the situation. Taking additional security measures, a bomb disposal squad was also summoned from Kohima which reached Wokha by evening of February 24. The rescue efforts were joined by the local community, NGOs and the Assam Rifles, alongside the district administration’s apparatus. 

Central Institute of Horticulture (CIH) , Nagaland wins Bio Resource Award 2015

Central Institute of Horticulture (CIH), Nagaland, has received the best Regional Exposure - Bio -Resource Award 2015 in the 2nd International Agri Horticulture Show (IAHS) held at College of Veterinary, Khanapara, Guwahati, for its varied activities towards the uplift of horticulture.

IAHS was organized by Department of Agriculture, Government of Assam, in association with Assam Agriculture University and Indian Chamber of Commerce from February 10-14 which was formally inaugurated by Union Minister of Agriculture.

The show was focused on agriculture and horticulture advancement, promotion of international trade, protected cultivation, fustigation, farming technologies, processed foods, post harvest technologies, agriculture finance/insurance, cold storage and other Hi-tech technologies.

3 North East states of India excluded from Protected Area Permit regime (PAP)

The three North East states of India viz. Manipur, Mizoram and Nagaland have been excluded from the Protected Area Permit (PAP) regime for foreign tourists till December 31, Rajya Sabha was informed today.

Minister of State for Home Kiren Rijiju said the entire areas of Manipur, Mizoram and Nagaland have been excluded from the Protected Area Permit (PAP) regime for foreign tourists subject to certain conditions.

Certain relaxations have also been allowed in Protected Area Permit (PAP) regime in Arunachal Pradesh, he said in reply to a written question.

Proposal is under consideration for simplifying the permit system for Green Lake trekking in Sikkim.

A foreign national is not normally allowed to visit a Protected Area unless it is established to the satisfaction of the government that there are extra-ordinary reasons to justify such a visit.
Every foreigner, who desires to enter and stay in a Protected Area, is required to obtain a special permit from a competent authority to issue such a special permit to a foreigner on application.

In cases where the powers have not been delegated to any subordinate authority by the Government, the application for special permit should be referred to the Home Ministry for prior approval, at least eight weeks before the date of the expected visit.

With a view to promote tourism, some areas notified by the government can be visited by foreign tourists, either in groups, or as a couple in the case of a husband and wife, or by individuals, after obtaining the necessary permit from the competent authority.

Only 19% of children in Nagaland visit dentists

According to the Morung Express, the Nagaland School Oral Survey Report 2013-14 shows that only 19 percent of school children in the state visit dentists. Joint director (Dental) Dr. H. Hotokhu Chishi said that the oral health delivery status index (restored teeth) at 5.5% was also too low and needs to be strengthened to at least 10%. He further insisted that children friendly clinics be built.

“Since dental treatment is very expensive and the state’s economy is poor, preventive methodology seems to be the only feasible alternative at present,” stated the survey report brought out by the Oral Health Division, Directorate of Health & Family Welfare (DoHFW).

However, a positive trend shown was that 89.1% of children know the importance of brushing. The objective of the survey is to understand the level of oral hygienic awareness among school children; to know the difference between urban and rural children’s oral hygiene status; prevalence of oral tissue destruction in the form of caries, fluorosis, and gingival bleeding; prevalence of oral-facial birth defects in the form of cleft palate, cleft lip;, prevalence of malocclusion and oro-facial deformity; prevalence of tobacco initiation among school children and to understand the prevalence of pain of dental origin and pain stress among school children.

The survey covered students from 8-13 years in Dimapur, Kohima, Mon, Peren, Phek and Wokha. A sample of 1013 school children, studying from Class III to VIII was picked from various schools.

Wednesday, February 25, 2015

Definition, Causes, Symptoms, Treatment and Risk Factors of Swine Flu

What is the swine flu?

Swine flu (swine influenza) is a respiratory disease caused by viruses (influenza viruses) that infect the respiratory tract of pigs, resulting in nasal secretions, a barking cough, decreased appetite, and listless behavior. Swine flu produces most of the same symptoms in pigs as human flu produces in people.

Swine influenza virus was first isolated from pigs in 1930 in the U.S. and has been recognized by pork producers and veterinarians to cause infections in pigs worldwide.

Investigators decided the 2009 so-called "swine flu" strain, first seen in Mexico, should be termed novel H1N1 flu since it was mainly found infecting people and exhibits two main surface antigens, H1 (hemagglutinin type 1) and N1 (neuraminidase type1). The eight RNA strands from novel H1N1 flu have one strand derived from human flu strains, two from avian (bird) strains, and five from swine strains.

Swine flu is transmitted from person to person by inhalation or ingestion of droplets containing virus from people sneezing or coughing

What are the symptoms of swine flu?

Symptoms of swine flu are similar to most influenza infections: fever (100 F or greater), cough, nasal secretions, fatigue, and headache, with fatigue being reported in most infected individuals. Some patients may also get a sore throat, rash, body aches, headaches, chills, nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

What is the treatment for swine flu?

The best treatment for influenza infections in humans is prevention by vaccination. Work by several laboratories has produced vaccines. The first H1N1 vaccine released in early October 2009 was a nasal spray vaccine that was approved for use in healthy individuals ages 2-49. The injectable vaccine, made from killed H1N1, became available in the second week of Oct. 2009. This vaccine was approved for use in ages 6 months to the elderly, including pregnant females.

What are the risk factors for swine flu?

Vaccination to prevent influenza is particularly important for people who are at increased risk for severe complications from influenza or at higher risk for influenza-related doctor or hospital visits. When vaccine supply is limited, vaccination efforts should focus on delivering vaccination to the following people since these populations have a higher risk for H1N1 and some other viral infections:

  1. All children 6 months to 4 years (59 months) of age
  2. All people 50 years of age and older
  3. Adults and children who have chronic pulmonary (including asthma) or cardiovascular (except isolated hypertension), renal, hepatic, neurological, hematologic, or metabolic disorders (including diabetes mellitus)
  4. People who have immunosuppression (including immunosuppression caused by medications or by HIV)
  5. Women who are or will be pregnant during the influenza season
  6. Children and adolescents (6 months to 18 years of age) who are receiving long-term aspirin therapy and who might be at risk for experiencing Reye's syndrome after influenza virus infection
  7. Residents of nursing homes and other long-term-care facilities
  8. People who are morbidly obese (BMI ≥40)
  9. Health-care professionals (doctors, nurses, health-care personnel treating patients)
  10. Household contacts and caregivers of children under 5 years of age and adults 50 years of age and older, with particular emphasis on vaccinating contacts of children less than 6 months age

Champions League Match Results 25/02/2015 Manchester City vs FC Barcelona [1 - 2]


Date: Wednesday, 25/02/2015  1:15 AM IST
Stadium: City of Manchester Stadium
City: Manchester
Capacity: 47,726
Competition: Champions League (Last 16)


Manchester City : Agüero (69 Minute)

FC Barcelona : Luis Suárez (15  Minute and 29 Minute)

                        "MATCH  DETAILS"

Manchester City              Vs                FC Barcelona

1   ------------------        GOALS           --------- 2
0   ------------------PENALTY(GOAL) --------- 0
38 -----------------    POSSESSION(%) -------- 62
0   -----------------------PENALTIES------------- 1

12 ----------------- ATTEMPTS------------------ 14
4 ------------------ON TARGETS------------------ 6
8 ---------------------CORNERS-------------------- 4

4 -----------------------CARDS ---------------------- 3
3-----------------YELLOW CARDS-----------------3
1----------------DOUBLE YELLOW----------------0
1--------------------RED CARDS---------------------0

Tuesday, February 24, 2015

Manchester City   Vs   FC Barcelona

Date             :  Wednesday, 25/02/2015  1:15 am  IST

Stadium       :  City of Manchester Stadium

City             :   Manchester

Capacity      : 47,726

Competition: Champions League

Barça face Manuel Pellegrini's side in the first leg of the last 16 Champions League tie